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Showing posts from September, 2021

Invisible Man: Narrators Search for Identity

     The narrator in Invisible Man undergoes a lot of dream like sequences of events throughout the novel. in the opening scene of the book, the narrator seems to know who he is and what he wants, that is, before he tells the story of how he got there. The character we've seen up till where we are in the book is clueless to who he is. he's constantly trying to people please and base his identity off of other people. Slowly he learns to start questioning the people and the world around him, but still bases his identify off of other people but in this case instead of people pleasing he's trying to prove people wrong.      For example, up until the narrator is sent away to New York, all he does is try to people please. Specifically Dr Bledsoe, the narrator want's to be his assistant and tries to be the best model student he can be. He doesn't really have a personality of his own and he blindly follows the rules that even the reader questions. Before he's sent off

Portrayal of Women In Native Son

Richard Wright’s Native Son has a lot to unpack with each scene containing even just the slightest detail to hint at a bigger picture. One of the many things to unpack in this novel is the depiction of the female characters particularly Bessie and Mary. They are both portrayed and betrayed in somewhat similar ways yet treated differently based on race in class. All of the female characters in Native Son are all 2D, their stories don’t really get told the way the male characters' stories and personalities get dove into.       For starters, we don’t really get to learn a lot about who Bessie is as a person from the time that she is first introduced through the time that she is killed. She’s constantly labeled in the book as Bigger’s girlfriend or just not really looked at twice at all. From the beginning we can see how Bigger sexualizes her while at the movies and doesn’t really seem to emotionally care for her. Later in the book he tries to get her in on his plans and she repe